Looking Back

     We are still curious about how the U.S. compares to other countries with wind power. Do we rank closer to the top, middle, or bottom? Who is the leading country with the most wind power? What state in the U.S. has the most wind farms? Also, we are still curious about where the wind farms would be located (meaning would wind farms be better on the coast, in the water, or in the plains) and the variables that contribute to the prime location of a wind turbine.

Wind farm

     My current level of interest at first was pretty high, then as we got to Step 3 (Will It Work?) my level of interest decreased. -Maddie

     My level of interest was low at first, for wind energy seemed like a pretty common and normal thing, but as we dived deeper into the functions of the turbines I was intrigued a bit further. Finally, when we got into how the wind turbines tie into the real world, my interest reached it's peak and kind of died down. -Chloe

     The most surprising thing I learned was how the prices of wind energy decreases over the years instead of increasing. -Maddie

     The most interesting thing I learned was the effects, both positive and negative, of wind turbines on nature and people (like how the turbines ruin the view causing complaints). -Chloe

Turbines are noisy

     If we did this again, we would talk about the funding more for the wind farms and how the government would contribute to the cost. Also, how the government feels about the wind farms and how that compares to other countries is something that we could include as well.

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